I am a registration clerk at a local hospital, and while checking in a patient one day I noticed that her shirt was one of the ones that all the volunteers wore on one event hosted here at WACC. I struck up a conversation with her about the event and how wonderful it was for my daughter and I. We begun chatting about different things and I was sharing with her that my husband and I we just about to celebrate our 10 years wedding anniversary. I was telling her how I so badly just wanted to spend a weekend away with him at a beach town where we could rest, relax and just enjoy each others company while reconnecting. I was sharing how hard of a time I was having finding something that had availability during the time we wanted, and at the price we were hoping to stick to. She went into her exam and I moved along with my day. I thought we were at the end of our story, until she came out of her exam and she found me at my desk and shared that she had a small cottage on the beach not far from here and felt called to gift it to us for our anniversary. I was shocked and so utterly grateful! My husband and I went on our anniversary trip and had such a wonderful time! We rested, relaxed on the beach, enjoyed a fabulous dinner, and truly reconnected! Little did she know that she truly showed up for us like an angel sent straight from GOD, just a year before my Husband and I were nearing a divorce. We had had such a trying season in our marriage and we truly felt like there was no hope left, we were done. We joined WACC and decided to let GOD guide us and our marriage. This trip was EVERYTHING we needed and more. We came back stronger and ready to jump back in to life together. This is how GOD showed up for us LIKE NEVER BEFORE! GOD Bless our angel and her generosity!