Weekly Update

What’s Happening? 

The concrete pour continued this week for the new worship center. The footings will now set and be ready for the steel to be installed in September. Take a look at the new construction fence coverings when you are out on the patio. The blue color with white lettering really stands out. The construction field is easier to view, too, since the fence covering is more transparent. In Building B, the second floor, the dry wall is almost completely installed, so the rooms are really beginning to take shape.

Financial Update

We are thankful for God’s generous provision as our WACC family responds to the need. People continue to fulfill their commitments for the Like Never Before building opportunity, and that is such an encouragement. Approximately $25,788 was given during the week ending August 25.


Visit our Resources page at the following link to see the latest construction update videos, photos, building renderings, and even a playlist: https://likeneverbefore.wacc.net/resources/