LNB Weekly Update
What’s Happening! Ground Breaking Sunday is here! This Sunday! Rain or shine! Join us for a significant time of worship and honoring God and the work he has for us to do in the months to come as we enter the construction period for the new worship center and renovation of the kids’ building. The Ground Breaking gathering and interactive family time will be at each service all day, this Sunday, May 19. You will want to be there! And dress weather appropriate for we will be outside for a portion of the morning, weather permitting.
Financial Update: We are thankful for God’s provision as the generosity expressed by the folks of WACC continues. People continue to fulfill their commitments for the Like Never Before building opportunity, approximately $33,862 was given for the week ending May 12.
Resources: Visit our Resources page at the following link to see the latest construction update videos, photos, building renderings, and even a playlist. It also offers some of the Like Never Before booklets from Fall 2017 to download: https://likeneverbefore.wacc.net/resources/