Like Never Before Weekly Update

What’s Happening?

As we saw during Church Online this past weekend, the seats are in the auditorium. That’s exciting and looks so impressive. The base for the seats is being connected to the floor. The baptistry is in its space. Floor polishing is complete. The lobby floor is done as well. The plumbing is now complete. For the new chapel, the stage floor vinyl tile has been installed to create a wood floor appearance. The acoustic wall panels are up, and storefront thresholds are done. Things are really coming together.

Generosity Update

Your faithful generosity toward this project is so appreciated and encouraging. God continues to provide as you, our WACC family, continue to respond to the needs. Approximately $12,075 was given toward the Like Never Before building project during the week ending August 23, 2020.


Visit our Resources page at the following link to see the latest construction update videos, photos, building renderings, and even a playlist