Like Never Before Weekly Update

As activity on our WACC campus shifts to online and off campus, and our front office staff adjusts to working remotely now, we are all adjusting to the changes. We continue to pray for you, our WACC family in these days, as we trust God to lead and provide in wisdom and love. We want to acknowledge these circumstances do not change our vision to bring people to Jesus and Jesus to people. It does change how that looks, and this is an exciting time to continue on together. We are grateful that for this week progress continues on our construction projects.

What’s Happening?

New Worship Center 

The internal work for the new worship center has so many layers to care for as crews continue. They work to run conduit for the fire alarm, install overhead sprinklers, install light bars for the main worship ceiling, and rough in walls. In addition, additional temporary lighting was installed to illuminate the space now that natural light has been blocked out by the new walls. The instillation of the exterior perimeter walls is nearing completion. Drywall is being hung inside.

Building B1, Future Nursery

In the new nursery, work continues to complete footings, frame walls, and work on plumbing for the new laundry room. The new exterior entry ramp had a slow week due to the rain. The future ramp will accommodate moving babies into the nursery in strollers.

Generosity Update

In these uncertain days, your continuing generosity is so appreciated. We appreciate that you find the path to continue to give, even though we cannot meet in person for a time. Thank you for giving online and in other ways. Please watch for more information to come from WACC to assist you to give online, if you do not yet do so. God continues to provide, and our WACC family continues to respond to the needs. Approximately $13,704 was given toward the Like Never Before building project during the week ending March 15


Visit our Resources page at the following link to see the latest construction update videos, photos, building renderings, and even a playlist