Like Never Before Construction Weekly Update
What’s Happening?
Building B, Floor 1 Classrooms
This week, the graphics were finished on two walls in the play zone. Although it doesn’t show, the ductwork in the mezzanine area (top floor) was reconfigured. Cleaning continued in all rooms. Debris was removed in preparation for completion. And the stairway is finished in beautiful blues with a non slip floor.
New Worship Center
A variety of work continues in the new worship center. Ductwork installation continues in the high roof. The platform overhead fire sprinklers are being installed, too. Work is being done on the riser seating area. Connecting conduits and lights, running gas lines, and preparing roof drains and water lines takes time and precision effort. The layout of the perimeter walls continues, too.
Generosity Update
We are thankful for God’s generous provision as our WACC family responds to the need. People continue to fulfill their commitments for the Like Never Before building opportunity, and that is such an encouragement. Approximately $73,896 was given during the week ending January 12.
Visit our Resources page at the following link to see the latest construction update videos, photos, building renderings, and even a playlist: